Waterford-based programmer Jordan Casey
The 12-year-old Waterford-based programmer Jordan Casey has written a new PC game called Green Boy. Casey, who emerged earlier this year as one of Europe’s youngest iOS developers, is also planning a Mac version of the game Green Boy.
Jordan’s first game Alien Ball Vs Humans went on sale on the Apple App Store in February for the iPad and the iPhone.
The enterprising schoolkid is also attempting the launch of the Irish Kid Tech Awards 2012 to showcase Irish kids for their talents.
The new PC game Green Boy is a puzzle game Jordan is understood to have developed in just two weeks.
Jordan will donate 10pc of revenues from the game to a cancer respite centre in Waterford, Solas Centre.
Jordan’s ambition is to build up his own company, Casey Games, to create games for platforms like the Xbox 360 and the new PlayStation Vita.