#Fail as Twitter CFO tweets plans of acquisition

25 Nov 2014

Anthony Noto, Twitter’s CFO, made a boo boo yesterday when posting a tweet that appeared to relate to an imminent acquisition by the company.

He has since deleted the post, which won’t help entirely, seeing as the social media giant has recently announced that it’s now indexing every tweet, ever. 

Last week Twitter even made it possible for users to share public tweets within direct messages (DMs) on mobile devices.

The error (we presume) was picked up by Kevin Roose, senior editor at Fusion.net.

In what was meant to be a private message to someone in particular, Noto told the world, but still left us all hanging a little bit.

It’s unclear what company Noto is referencing, meaning nobody really knows what to say about the whole thing.

But it’s hardly the first time someone has erred in a similar way. American politician Anthony Weiner messed up in a far more embarrassing manner in the past, however, he had some sound advice for Buzzfeed reporter Matt Zeitlin, who joked about Noto’s mistake.

Twitter image via Shutterstock

Gordon Hunt was a journalist with Silicon Republic
