US presidential candidates Barack Obama (left) and Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney image via Wikimedia Commons
It’s presidential election day in the US, and in case there’s anyone who’s still undecided about which way to cast his or her ballot, videos in which a director, a cartoon character and a comedian endorse candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are here to help (sort of).
Joss Whedon Endorses Mitt Romney in Parody Video
First up is producer, director, screenwriter, author, actor and composer Joss Whedon, who pokes fun at Romney’s policies.
“Stop pretending we care about each other, and start hoarding canned goods,” Whedon says. “Because if Mitt takes office, sooner or later the zombies will come for all of us.”
Watch ‘Joss Whedon Endorses Mitt Romney in Parody Video’ here:
Mr. Burns Endorses Romney | The Simpsons | Animation on FOX
Mr Burns of The Simpsons employs Seamus the dog in selecting a candidate to support.
How? Burns presents two men with Romney and Obama masks, with Romney holding a plate of meat and Obama holding a plate of broccoli. What’s a dog to do?
Watch ‘Mr. Burns Endorses Romney | The Simpsons | Animation on FOX’ video here:
Chris Rock – A Special Message For White People (Endorses Barack Obama)
Comedian Chris Rock gets in on the action by claiming Obama is actually white, as evidenced by Obama sporting ‘mom jeans’, playing golf, and being named ‘Barry’ (“the third whitest name on Earth, right after ‘Cody’ and ‘Jeff’).
“Barry Obama … he’s juuuuuuust white,” Rock declares.
See for yourself right here: