€10,000 in funding up for grabs for lucky energy start-up

14 Feb 2014

The Smart Grid Innovation Hub is calling on applicants for its competition to find the best energy start-up in Ireland with a top prize of €10,000 in funding along with a range of smaller prizes for runners-up.

The hub is part of a collaborative initiative between the EirGrid Group and the National Digital Research Centre (NDRC) to promote the development of innovative smart grid solutions, with a particular focus on entrepreneurial initiatives by companies, academics and entrepreneurs in both Ireland and Northern Ireland.

This competition is for start-ups from the whole island with a smart grid solution or service which have been in business for less than three years and have received under €1 million in funding to date.

Entrants will be judged on the originality of their idea, the ability to address current and future electricity system challenges and the market opportunity & business case.

Four shortlisted entrants will get the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a judging panel of top industry professionals and noted experts in front of an audience at this year’s SEAI Energy Show on 12 March at the RDS, Dublin.

Development of renewable energy

To be considered a ‘smart grid’, an electricity network must facilitate the large-scale integration of renewable energy, utilises electricity infrastructure efficiently through the optimal use of information and communications technology (ICT) and seamlessly integrate the actions of all users connected to the network in order to deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies.

In order to make the fast-approaching deadline, entrants need to apply soon as the closing date for applications is Friday, 21 February.

Further information can be found on the Smart Grid Innovation Hub’s newly launched website at www.smartgridinnovate.com.

Colm Gorey was a senior journalist with Silicon Republic
