Facebook teams up with security firms to fight malicious links

26 Apr 2012

Facebook has joined forces with security firms Microsoft, McAfee, Trend Micro, Sophos, and Symantec to help protect members of the social network from links that lead to malware or malicious websites.

Facebook’s URL blacklist system, which the company says scans trillions of clicks per day, will incorporate the security companies’ malicious URL databases to enhance its level of protection.

Facebook has also announced its new AV Marketplace for all Facebook users, which is accessible from the Facebook Security Page. From here, users will be able to select a free download from one of Facebook’s anti-virus partners.

“We believe that arming our users with anti-virus software will help empower them to stay safe no matter where they are on the web,” Facebook said in a statement.

“Facebook’s global community can now download for free powerful software to protect their computers from current and future viruses, and content security threats providing hundreds of millions of people free access to anti-virus software.”