The Google Doodle marking May Day 2013, or International Workers' Day
Internet search giant Google has worked to honour workers today with a Google Doodle on its homepage marking May Day, also known as International Workers’ Day.
The Google Doodle, a stylised Google logo, depicts the Google logo as a building, with workers performing various tasks around the structure. An IT professional is on a computer alongside the ‘G’ in Google – writing code, perhaps? – while a gardener waters a tree on the top of the letter. A painter puts finishing touches on the letter ‘O’ while a plumber or builder hoists a wrench by the ‘E’.
There’s some action over the building, too, in the form of a helicopter pilot hovering the aircraft over the second ‘G’, and a satellite dish sits atop the ‘E’.
International Workers’ Day is a celebration of workers’ achievements throughout the year. The day is a national holiday in more than 80 countries and celebrated unofficially in many other countries.