Tech tweets of the week

21 Jan 2012

A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.

“On this USA trip my body clock is all over the place, hello 4am again.”
–      Pat Phelan, director of products and innovation, MAXROAM

Not being a snob but a press release from a Hotmail address doesn’t endear you or your company to me.”
–      Damien Mulley, owner of Mulley Communications and organiser of the Web Awards and Social Media Awards

Sitting in the production room of Dragon’s Den. Amazing seeing behind the curtain and also feel for the Entrepreneurs they must be nervous!”
–      Bill Liao, social networking entrepreneur and philanthropist

Didn’t shower today, avoiding all things SOPA sounding. #StopSOPA
–      Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, co-founder and CEO of Milk Inc

 “What do you give the man who has everything? Antibiotics.”
–      Art Jonak, CEO, Network Professionals

Half inch of snow turns Seattle into a very dangerous town. The panic and anxiety around town still amazes me (I lived 10 yrs in Upstate NY).”
–      Werner Vogels, CTO 

Really despise new Twitter design. Opening single tweets has become a chore. Thanks.”
–      Joshua Topolsky, editor-in-chief of The Verge

Two of the best photogs on staff seem to be two of the best pistol shooters. No coincidence.”
–      Tim Stevens, Engadget’s editor-in-chief

I’m supposed to get on a plane to visit our India office in ~5 hours. So… I guess I should pack?”
–      Matt Cutts, Google engineer

I need an email client that filters for “all messages with attachments but not stupid little .sig gifs.” STOP USING YOUR LOGO IN EMAILS. GAH.”
–      Ben Hammersley, editor at large of the UK edition of WIRED magazine 

My source in DC: “We just got word the whole House system is down… the campaign is working.” #wikipediablackout Melt the phones!”
–      Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia