Over 80pc of Irish motorists continue to hold their handsets while driving, according to new research.
The research, compiled by online Irish phone vendor www.fish4fones.ie, found that despite having knowledge of the latest wireless technologies to enable hands free mobile use while driving, few are familiar with the technologies. While 80pc say they are familiar with Bluetooth headsets and car kits, for example, only 40pc actually have a Bluetooth enabled phone.
Just one in every five business users admitted to using or owning a mobile car kit, while less than 10pc say they used any other type of hands free device to make or answer calls.
Only 8pc of drivers say they currently pull into the hard shoulder to make or take a call, while 12pc said they would rather divert a call to their message minder than answer a phone call.
More than 90pc of business users said they had “high awareness” of the new penalty points legislation, while the same number claimed to be unsure of what is allowed or not allowed under the new legislation.
The survey also found that some six out of 10 business users admitted to sending text messages whilst at the wheel, while over 30pc of respondents said they had answered a call while on a roundabout.
“Despite new technologies, business users continue to hand hold mobile phones while driving, resulting in a greater chance of penalty points and, at worse, accident or serious injury,” said Conor English, managing director, fish4fones.
“Car kits and wireless headsets can lower the chances of this happening,” he added.
By John Kennedy