Driving while text messaging makes a crash 23 times more likely to take place, reveals a new infographic that examines the subject of teens and adults texting behind the wheel.
And that’s not the only sobering statistic the infographic created for OnlineSchools.com has to offer: text messaging involves the longest eyes-off-the-road time of all distracted driving activities. Last year, 23pc of auto collisions involved mobile phones – that’s 1.3m crashes.
While most of the facts and figures on the infographic are from US sources, drivers in any country can learn from the information.
The information also looks at how texting while driving is a big temptation for teenagers, how some teenagers don’t think texting and driving is a problem, and even how they justify texting while driving.
In addition, the infographic presents US state laws pertaining to the use of mobiles while driving, as well as technology for parents to help stop their teenagers from texting and driving at the same time.