The average Irish computer is subjected to 298 attempted attacks on average each day, research published by the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan TD, has found.
The iReach 2008 IT security report also discovered that less than half of all internet users understand the term ‘phishing’.
Minister Ryan launched the MakeITsecure campaign yesterday to specifically address and educate people about issues they face online such as phishing, spyware, identity theft and security issues when social networking. The campaign is launched to coincide with Safer Internet Day, which is today, 12 February 2008 and its website is located at
The campaign aims to remind people to secure their identity and information online by using antivirus programs, updating operating systems, keeping passwords private and changing them regularly and using secure connections (showing https:// in the URL bar) when shopping online.
“Our young people need to be empowered to become autonomous and responsible internet users for life. Both parents and schools have key roles to play in protecting children but also in educating them to be responsible users of the new digital technologies,” said Jerome Morrissey, director of the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) and member of the MakeITsecure campaign.
The campaign gets underway this week for the third time and is being held on an all-Ireland basis for the first time. The campaign is part-funded by the EU.
By Niall Byrne