Google and Facebook Android apps most used – research

14 Sep 2011

Source: Nielsen research

The most used Android apps in the US are Google Maps, Gmail and Facebook, according to research from Nielsen.

Nielsen analysed data from on-device metres on thousands of US Android smartphones from users aged 18 and up. It determined each app’s “active reach,” which was the percentage of Android owners who used an app within the past 30 days.

Apart from the Android Market app, most people accessed Google Maps, with 74.6pc of participants using it within the last 30 days.

Gmail was a close second at 74.5pc and Facebook came third at 73.5pc.

The survey also analysed how gender influenced the popularity of apps. The list of apps used were more or less the same, though certain apps were used more by particular genders.

For example, Facebook was more popular with women, with 81pc using the social networking app in the past 30 days, compared with 66.9pc of men.

Google Maps was more popular with men at 77.1pc, compared with women’s usage at 71.9pc.

After many of the major Google and Facebook apps, the most used app for men was QuickofficePro at 27.4pc, compared with women’s usage of this app at 23pc.

For women, after Google and Facebook apps, Adv Task Killer Free’s usage was most popular at 28.3pc, compared with men’s at 24.2pc.