Ever wonder what effect we’re having on our kids by constantly being hooked to our smartphones? Well they get bored. Real bored.
Youth Tuber sat down a handful of children, of various ages by the looks of it, and talked social media and the internet.
Complaints range from hating the internet because it “drains the battery on my devices” and wasting batteries when you want to play games.
Something called Popchamp is mentioned – no idea – and the embarrassing nature of parents putting things on Facebook that kids don’t want up there is an… issue.
Some of the kids do great impersonations of adults staring at their smartphones, while Bluebell and Benjy profess their disdain for some social medias over others.
“I absolutely hate Twitter,” says Benjy. “I don’t like Twitter,” agrees Bluebell. “And YouTube is… good.”
“Sometimes it can be a bit boring,” says Oscar, before Luke and Niall’s pretty brilliant bit at the end.
Baby with smartphone, via Shutterstock