Customers of 3 Ireland’s mobile broadband service will be pleased to find out that the current monthly download limit of 10GB has been extended by 50pc to 15GB.
The Pay Monthly mobile broadband package from 3 will remain at €19.99, but save heavy users up to €250 a month, 3 said.
This is if you are one of those avid downloader/surfers who dared to go far beyond the original 10GB limit – for every extra MB you use over your monthly allowance, 5c is added onto your bill.
Users of O2’s mobile broadband are probably aware that the company’s service is also at €19.99 per month for 10GB, but while 3 offers “speeds of up to 3.6MB per second”, O2’s site cites “modem download functionality speeds of up to 7.2 Mbps”.
By Marie Boran
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