Robert McArdle, senior threat researcher, Trend Micro
Every 24 hours, some 13,000 infected files are detected in Ireland, with fake antivirus programmes being the most common, Trend Micro said today.
A recent survey by Eurobarometer revealed that Irish social media users were more likely to volunteer personal information online than users in any other EU country. Cyber criminals will take advantage of this fact, and other security weaknesses in online and smartphone activities, as well as software and connectivity vulnerabilities, and cyber attacks and hacks are likely to increase further in 2012.
“In Ireland alone, Trend Micro detects 13,000 infected files from its customers every 24 hours, with fake antivirus programmes among the most common,” explains senior threat researcher Robert McArdle of Trend Micro.
Trend Micro is hosting a global three-day conference in Dublin this week, bringing more than 350 executives, analysts and international cyber crime experts together to discuss cyber crime activities, consumerisation and the use of smartphones, as well as cloud security.
Among the speakers are Eva Chen, co-founder and CEO of Trend Micro, and Troels Oerting, assistant director, Europol.