Revenue goes with HP

7 Sep 2005

The Revenue Commissioners has signed a contract with Hewlett-Packard (HP) partner Hibernia Computer Services that will see some 6,500 HP desktops and laptops installed throughout organisation over the next two years. The value of the deal has not been disclosed but given the hardware requirements it is expected to run well into six figures.

With some 6,500 permanent staff in 130 locations around the country, the Revenue Commissioners is seen as a prime public sector target by the PC market and HP’s success will come as a major blow to archrival Dell, which has been muscling into the government sector in recent years.

Maureen Byrne, IT manager for business services and desktop technologies at the Revenue Commissioners, implied that the HP hardware had been chosen for cost reasons. “With an IT estate of our size, timely and value-for-money replenishment is vital … The HP products were the most economically advantageous on this occasion and best met the office’s requirements for an efficient, cost-effective solution.”

Hibernia Computer Services, a longstanding IT supplier to the Revenue Commissioners that won its latest contract following an open EU tender process, will supply HP DC7100 desktop and HP NC6120 notebook PCs. “Our continued customer-focused ethos, along with HP’s continued drive to grow its market share in Ireland, provided the Revenue Commissioners with a solution to their requirements,” commented Bob Murray, managing director of Hibernia Computer Services.

Martin Murphy, managing director of HP Ireland, added: “The award of this contract is testimony to the excellent quality and price performance of HP’s personal computers. That a local IT services company, working in partnership with a leading international vendor such as HP, can meet the exacting demands of an open EU tender is a tribute to the sophistication and maturity of the Irish IT industry. The Revenue Commissioners will be well served by this partnership.”

By Brian Skelly