Soak in a bit of culture online with this week’s Blog Digest.
This brand-new Irish culture blog is the brainchild of 2FM DJ Rick O’Shea and brings together the community of Irish bloggers interested in music, movies and all the other bits of culture that affect our daily lives.
As well as reviews on the latest films and albums released, this can also serve as a one-stop-shop for entertainment news.
Don’t forget to dive into the Random Whimsy section either: lots of funny and absorbing posts, ranging from hilarious comic mishaps to the endearing ‘Things I liked Doing When I Was 7’. What is culture, but sharing the human experience: hands up who else, as a child, liked setting things on fire just to see them burn or loved watching their feet sinking into the sand?
This fantastically absorbing blog won in the category of Best Pop Culture at the 2009 Irish Blog Awards.
Author Cait has a knack for capturing the cultural zeitgeist – summing up this crazy world by commenting on the curious, the funny, the arty and the just plain odd things out there on the world wide web.
I could while away the entire day browsing through this blog, giggling and learning just a little bit more about human nature. A must-read for alien life forms wondering what we’re all about.
Of course, with your fill of popular culture, there is always time for some culture of the literary kind.
Poetry Ireland has a guest blog, where various writers give the skinny on cultural events happening in and around Ireland, with well-thought-out reviews as well as discussions on themes in writing and how poets and writers convey or tackle them.
Some food for thought in a world where it sometimes seems we only have an appetite for bite-sized pieces of speculation into the private lives of celebrities.
Watercooler talk often revolves around what you watched on TV last night, but now that the office chat has moved onto Facebook and Twitter it often seems as though everyone is talking about the same thing.
This isn’t cheating, but maybe a quick read of the Trend Spot blog will give you a few alternative topics. After all, you don’t want to have nothing else to say other than ‘Me too!’ when Deborah from accounts talks about how good/bad she thought last night’s episode of Eastenderswas.
You can always wax lyrical about the tacky, yet spectacular, jackets on display at the Michael Jackson exhibition at Newbridge Silverware. I wonder if they’d let us try on the glove?
By Marie Boran