Seeing as it’s October, there are autumn delights aplenty in this week’s Blog Digest.
Irish Sally Garden (pictured)
“Tis the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,” said John Keats, so naturally at this time of year thoughts turn to the autumn harvest. Whether you have lots of land or a modest window box, it can be rewarding to grow your own.
Irish Sally Garden’s blog charts the day-to-day lives of Rebecca and Dan Hillman, and their quest for sustainable living in Leitrim. From planting trees and drying herbs to rearing goats and butchering pigs, it’s all happening here.
If you’re not quite ready to quit the rat race, then drop by and live vicariously.
Autumn is also known as the season for reflection, and what better way to ponder life than popping over to the blog of John Williams, professional sound engineer but also amateur photographer and philosopher.
Williams’ blend of inquiring nature and keen eye produce a mix of thoughtful posts, where he throws various questions out into cyberspace for feedback, interspersed with snaps of his surroundings.
The close-up shots of nature force you to examine the intense beauty and complexity of a simple flower, while the colours bursting forth from an ordinary cup of coffee helps you to almost see the aroma.
Williams says: “Let my vision inside you”. Gladly.
Isn’t every season a silly season? This particular autumn stands out as financial institutes go wobbly and everyone begins to worry about their money.
There goes the marketing budget, I hear you think, but in a way, blogging is recession-proof, and there are plenty of avenues to get your brand and product known online by seeking free advice and setting up free blogs.
Business Blog Consulting offers lots of said free advice from a host of industry contributors, and answers everything about business blogging you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
What is the best thing about autumn? It depends on where you are to enjoy it – if the “mists and mellow fruitfulness” of our Irish weather is getting you down, you can always see what other people are up to in different parts of the world.
One of the main reasons we read blogs is to savour a slice of someone else’s life – this particular blog is by a Japanese girl Keiko, who posts some truly breathtaking pictures of autumn in Japan.
I suggest you Google ‘autumn’ and the city of your choice, have a fond look and promise yourself that you will be there this time next year. Perhaps you can chronicle your own journey and inspire more people to broaden their horizons.
By Marie Boran