Tech tweets of the week

3 Mar 2012

A compilation of this past week’s Twitter messages – from the serious to the whimsical – from some top names in technology.

“I can’t donate blood in Ireland because I live in the US, and I can’t donate here because I’m a dodgy European. Nobody wants my blood :(“
–      John Collison, entrepreneur, co-founder of Stripe

“My inbox looks like the beach scene from Saving Private Ryan.”
–      Dylan Collins, executive chairman of Fight My Monster. Founder of Jolt Online, DemonWare + Phorest

“Coffee No 2 today, it’s been 10 hours coming.”
–      Pat Phelan, director of products and innovation, MAXROAM

I am an Irish person and the experience of trying to catch a taxi in downtown San Fran last night has scarred me.”
–      James Whelton, tech entrepreneur and first person to hack the iPod Nano

San Francisco. I’m all over you from the 5th to the 8th next week. Let’s party?”
–      Joshua Topolsky, editor-in-chief of The Verge

I’m a little disappointed that no one announced a smartphone that docks in a tablet that docks in a laptop that docks in a submarine.”
–      Zach Epstein, executive editor at BGR Media, LLC

Just noticed that I have 911 msgs in my drafts folder. Email emergency, step back.”
–      Jen Bekman, founder and CEO of 20×200

Dear YouTube, I will always click ‘Skip this ad.’”
–      Art Jonak, CEO, Network Professionals

Wonder if Swedish Ikea uses daft English names for stuff. ‘Ingrid, come and see this Heathrow futon! It goes with the Stansted table’.”
–      Charles Arthur, The Guardian’s technology editor

’Best Companies To Work For’ lists always read to me as ‘Masters Least Likely To Beat You’.”
–      Ben Hammersley, editor at large of the UK edition of WIRED magazine

… and I’m sitting next to a guy in the physical book business. He’s giving my iPad the stink eye.”
–      Chuck Hollis, EMC CTO and blogger