The PlayStation Vita has sold more than 1.2m units globally, according to Sony, which was helped by its recent launch in various regions on 22 February.
Software sales have exceeded 2m units through retail and through the PlayStation Network, according to Sony.
“PS Vita was designed to deliver the ultimate portable entertainment experience, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the reaction we’re seeing from consumers and the pace at which PS Vita is selling,” said Andrew House, president and group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
House said that in order to sustain momentum, Sony will work with third-party developers and publishers to ensure the console has a growing library of games as the year goes on.
Sony said the figure was reached thanks to the PS Vita’s launch in the US, Europe, other PAL regions and Singapore on 22 February.
The PlayStation Vita is equipped with a 5-inch OLED multitouch screen, a rear touchpad, dual analogue sticks, front and rear cameras and a six-axis motion-sensing system.
It launched alongside numerous games for the console, including Uncharted: Golden Abyss, WipEout 2048, Unit 13, MotorStorm RC, Rayman Origins, Ridge Racer and FIFA Football.
The console also features social applications, such as Party, which lets players voice or text chat to friends when playing games; Near, which lets players find friends within the same area to share gifts; and Cross-Play, which lets gamers play against others across both the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3.