An event to highlight the positive role of IT in primary school teaching will be held in the Temple Gate Hotel in Ennis, Co Clare on Wednesday 1 September from 5pm to 7pm.
The ‘Clare Schools IT Information Evening,’ hosted by Clare-based Tierney’s Office Automation, aims at informing local principals and boards of management of the benefits and misconceptions of modern technology in the classroom.
The event will feature guest speakers, give access to technology specialists and provide information on example schools that have incorporated modern technology as part of their teachings.
“The upcoming information evening is not designed to advise school principals and members of school board of management members [sic] regarding specific products but instead educate them on how to get best value for their money rather than obsessing over the cost of IT hardware, which is inexpensive when used to its potential,” said Andy Tierney of Tierney’s Office Automation.
Tierney feels that many schools allow fear to deter them from adopting IT into the classroom.
“Many people fear that if a computer breaks it will cost thousands to fix and therefore is an unnecessary and expensive investment,” he said.
“This could not be further from the truth as the evidence from other European countries suggests that schools that have embraced the use of IT in the classroom have benefited greatly.”
The evening will feature lectures by experts on topics such as IT policies covering schools in Ireland, IT trends in education, understanding the total cost of ownership, model schools’ IT systems and using technology as a teaching aid.
Event attendees will receive a complimentary information pack containing details on IT infrastructure for schools. Admission to the event is free, but prior booking is essential. For all enquiries, please contact Tierney’s Office Automation on 065 7079873.