Heavy medical text books and dog-eared jotters have been replaced by the practicality of smartphone technology in an English university.
Fourth and fifth-year medical students at the University of Leeds, UK, are being issued with iPhones instead of text books as the university pushes forward with smartphone technology.
Instead of issuing the students with traditional medical text books, the information can now be accessed on the smartphones through applications – providing students with reference material and prescription guidelines.
Around €440 per student
Up to 500 students are set to take advantage of the scheme, which is set to cost around £380 (around €440) per student. The phones will also be used to keep in contact with students and provide them with reference material while they work or gain experience in GP surgeries and hospital wards, according to the university.
Students are expected to return the smartphone once they graduate but while they have them they represent an excellent way to record notes and contact tutors.
This marks the push towards smartphone technology in universities, following university of Central Lancashire’s (UCLAN) iPhone app that provides information to freshers about the campus.