The Local Enterprise Office has emerged as a vital support for tech start-ups and entrepreneurs in Dublin city.
The Dublin city Local Enterprise Office (LEO) has provided more than €2.25m in funding to tech sector businesses since it started up in April 2014.
According to its latest report, Driving Dublin’s Tech Growth, on average the LEO invested €610,771 in tech businesses each year for the past four years.
‘So far this year, we’ve provided €340,000 in funding to 23 tech businesses’
“We provide investment and other supports to start-ups and small businesses, with the tech sector accounting for one-quarter of all our clients,” said Dave Connolly, business adviser at Dublin city’s LEO.
Highly active sector
The report estimates that the LEO’s support has led directly to the creation of more than 240 jobs in tech businesses since 2014.
Start-ups that have received support from the office include Coroflo, Olytico, Usheru, CliniShift, DwellDown and PatientMpower.
Dublin city’s LEO is part of the national network of 31 LEOs, and is housed within Dublin City Council.
“This is the most active sector we work with. So far this year, 53pc of all funding we’ve approved has been for tech businesses. These range from medtech start-ups and data analytics firms to e-commerce platforms and lifestyle companies,” said Connolly.
“Each year, we help in the region of 40 tech clients. So far this year, we’ve provided €340,000 in funding to 23 tech businesses.
“The funding and other supports we provide help these businesses to build their staff teams, expand into new markets and move from early-growth stage to high-potential start-ups.”