Britney Spears
We were fed an awful lot of Back to the Future content this past week but none of these make the grade, not when Drake dances to the Frasier theme song, or a lovely B&B owner breaks down at the sight of Daniel O’Donnell.
Drake dancing to Frasier
Hip hop originated from a spin-off sitcom. Didn’t you know? It’s true, back in the early 1990s, long after you thought it emerged, hip hop burst onto the small screen, with the theme song of Frasier – the ridiculously successful spin-off from the more ridiculously successful Cheers – pioneering a new art form.
Don’t believe me? Watch.
Upload date: 20 October
Daniel O’Donnell, a B&B and loads of tears
B&Bs are one of the nicest types of places to stay at for a number of reasons. The beds are always crazy comfortable. The breakfast always seems bigger than a small giraffe. And the owner, oh the owner. Always friendly. Always lovely.
So when Anne Sheerin, an Irish B&B owner in Roscommon, was chosen as one of the lucky people to host the man, the myth, the legend that is Daniel O’Donnell, she freaked out.
Daniel and Majella (his wife) are travelling around Ireland staying in different B&Bs and, if they all react like this, we’re going to have to put on the kettle a lot over the coming weeks.
Upload date: 20 October
Abu Dhabi… Safe city
Abu Dhabi is known for a few things, most falling under the general umbrella of opulence.
People of means travel out there to ‘do business’, Formula One tracks are built in the middle of nowhere and, for some reason, the police promotion video is produced to a higher standard than most movies.
So here, in a six-minute feature, is the Abu Dhabi forces chasing down a dodgy driver in a McLaren, then a Ferrari. Spoiler alert: the police are very, very high tech.
Upload date: 19 October
Jurassic World: Sweded
Jurassic World was quite the blockbuster, with an impressive trailer to go along with it. But it’s easy when you have millions of dollars to throw at a project.
So, taking on the challenge of a low budget, equally impressive, version was Matthew Potter, whose £50 attempt is masterful. It’s not a real swede, though, as the original music was used.
Upload date: 18 October
Bill, the lonely 95-year-old
Last week Bill phoned into his local radio station, BBC Radio Solent. He spoke to presenter Alex Dyke of how “every day was hell” after his long-time companion, and recent bride, fell and hurt herself.
Alex, ever the gent, invited Bill into the studio for a cup of tea and a chat. Because local radio is great.
Upload date: 22 October
Nessie, the monstrous Great Dane
Nessie, named after the Loch Ness Monster, is a huge Great Dane. She weighs 140lbs and seems to love playing on the covered pool out in her back garden.
Now, you are probably thinking what I thought the first time I saw this video, ‘oh god this is so dangerous’.
However Merci M, Nessie’s owner, explains that the cover on the pool is extraordinarily strong, she has even had dozens of people on it to prove its strength. So that means Nessie thinks it’s a waterbed.
Upload date: 17 October
Bryan Wilson, the Texas law hawk
What do you do if you are a lawyer in the US and you’re trying to get your name out? Well, you make an eagle-filled, flag adorning, motorbike fuelled promo video.
“Bryan Wilson, the Texas law hawk,” yells Bryan Wilson, the Texas law hawk. “Due process? Do wheelies!”
I know who I’d call if I was in a spot of bother.
Upload date: 20 October
Britney Spears unzipped
Britney Spears seems to have been playing Las Vegas forever. So long, it appears, that her wardrobe is giving up.
Here she is performing Piece of Me, revealing a piece of her. Her dancers try, and fail, and try, and fail to address the issue.
Upload date: 17 October
Up in real life
Jason Lyle Black brings us his 80-year-old grandparents (actually aged 83 and 84) with a brilliant rendition of the Up tune to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.
Complete with a dog spotting a squirrel, a Zimmer frame with tennis balls and an adventure book, this makes me want to watch Up again. And I will.
A lucky, lucky kitten
Here is a kitten stranded in the middle of an intersection, with traffic everywhere. A motorcyclist spots the danger and runs in through traffic to pick it up and run to safety. Well, the safety of the arms of another stranger.
Now named Skidmark, the kitten is doing well.
Upload date: 19 October
Oh and here is a quick Skids update:
Main image via Shutterstock
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