Eircom has reduced the cost of most landline to mobile calls from today.
The price reduction reflects the recently amended mobile termination rates (MTR) introduced by mobile operators Vodafone, O2 and Meteor.
Daytime calls from Eircom landlines to Vodafone mobiles will fall from 22.27c per minute to 21.81c per minute, from 21c to 20.98c to O2 mobiles and from 26.83c to 26.46c to Meteor landlines.
Evening calls from Eircom landlines to Vodafone mobiles will fall from 15.35c per minute to 14.89c per minute and to Meteor mobiles from 18.56c to 17.42c, although evening calls to O2 mobiles will rise from 15.13c to 17.02c.
Weekend calls to Vodafone mobiles will fall from 10.36c per minute to 10.20c per minute, to O2 mobiles from 14.10c to 10.03c and to Meteor from 14.52c to 13.62c.
Eircom said the MTR amendments will also mean savings on business tariff packages.
By Niall Byrne