The iPhone 4S
The iPhone 4S has hit a record high among enterprise users, with 37pc of all activations in the first quarter of 2012 taking place on the Apple device – four times higher than any other device – according to figures from Good Technology.
The iPad 2 hit the second spot overall, with 17.7pc of activations for the quarter.
Less than one month on the market, the new iPad, released in March, rocketed to the No 4 spot with 4.3pc of activation for the quarter and 12.1pc of all activations in March alone.
Amongst Android devices, the Motorola Droid took the top spot, with 1.6pc of all activations, making it the seventh most popular device for the quarter.
Overall, Android smartphones represented 26.1pc of all activations for the quarter, while Android tablets came in at 2.7pc.
The BYOD device trend picks up pace
A major player in enabling BYOD (bring your own device) environments, Good Technology said it is seeing rapid growth in both the quantity and size of its customers’ deployments.
The number of Good customers deploying iOS and/or Android devices grew by more than 50pc over the past 12 months, while the average Good customer deployment size more than doubled over the same period.
In Q1 2012 alone, Good’s activations grew by 50pc over Q4 2011, and were nearly double the two previous quarters combined.
“BYOD smartphones and tablets combined with proactive, company-owned iPad deployments is driving rapid growth in terms of both the size and number of new deployments amongst our customers,” said John Herrema, Good Technology’s SVP of corporate strategy.
“This includes significant growth in the number of Good users who have both a smartphone and a tablet, with the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 as the most frequently occurring combination.”
Tablet computer adoption in the enterprise
Gartner forecasts 118.9m tablets will be sold this year. Good found that iPads collectively represented roughly 97.3pc of total tablet activations for Q1 2012.
Good says Apple’s continued growth is not only being driven by consumers and the overall BYOD trend, but also by proactive enterprise deployment of iPads.
Apple’s iPhones and iPads remain the clear choice amongst end users when it comes to both BYOD and large company-driven deployments in verticals such as financial services, business and professional services, life sciences and healthcare.
Life sciences, witnessed the highest rate of growth in the quarter for iPad net activations by industry, steadily increasing from less than 3pc in October 2011 to nearly 14pc in January 2012.
This growth mirrors anecdotal data around proactive iPad deployments to sales forces in that industry, most notably among pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
“With Windows 8, we expect more competition for Apple and the iPad in the enterprise tablet space, especially for proactive, company-owned device deployments,” Herrema said.
“On the smartphone side, we just released support for Windows Phone 7.5 last week and it will be interesting to see how it performs over the coming quarters.”