
8 Apr 2004

What is it?
Golden Pages, a leading provider of classified business information, last week announced the investment of €.5m to launch the country’s most comprehensive classified business online database, which also includes the Eircom business and residential phone book online. The re-launched website, www.goldenpages.ie, will complement the printed directories.

What’s new and how does it look?
As well as easing navigation, a key difference between the new Goldenpages.ie and old site is the powerful new search engine. The new classified search engine extensively searches all content to return the most relevant result available and is now being adopted by Golden Pages sister companies within the World Directories Group. Golden Pages claims that the number of unique users of its site grew by 20pc between June 2002 and April 2003. In April, for instance, it had 80,207 unique visitors. It says it expected that this level of growth would continue in the future.

Anything else?
Golden Pages worked with Bearing Point to manage the project linking closely with the technical division of Golden Pages parent company, Publictec. The site layout and branding was designed by Enterprise IG.

By Brian Skelly
