The Mercedes G-Code. Image via Mercedes
Mercedes’ new concept car, the G-Code, is attempting to change how clean-energy cars source their electricity with the introduction of a type of paint that acts like solar panels.
While the G-Code is typical of concept cars with its futuristic design that, in many cases, never sees the light of day, Mercedes has included a hydrogen-producing engine that relies on multiple sources of renewable-energy sources.
Aside from charging through traditional power cables, the car’s paint is made of multi-voltaic silver, which is able to be absorbed by the car’s energy stores and converted into hydrogen and methane that can be used by the car’s engine.
Mercedes is even claiming the car can charge itself electrostatically through wind energy when stationary, while the movement of the car’s suspension also acts as small generators.
If Mercedes’ claims are true, the way cars generate and produce electricity and waste could be changed monumentally.
3D body scanners and ‘warp drive’ engine
Other impressive technological components of the G-Code include an air conditioning unit that acts as an ioniser that removes allergens and other harmful air-borne material, with the oxygen produced during the hydrogen synthesis routed to the interior as needed.
Perhaps a disturbing thought for privacy-minded individuals, the car’s interior also includes 3D body scanners to measure a passenger’s ‘wellness’ and depending on the measured values will massage, heat or cool the passenger’s seats automatically.
The car even has a self-proclaimed ‘warp drive’, having looked to the world of science fiction and Star Trek by turning the radiator grille into a multi-coloured LED display that gives the impression of a warp drive which in the all-electric HYBRID eDrive mode shows digital miniature stars light up in blue that appear to move from the edge of the display towards the centre.
However, as discussed earlier, you won’t be seeing this car driving around the streets of Dublin, or any city for that matter, as it’s expected that the technology will be passed down to future commercial models.