A total solar eclipse photographed in northern Australia in 2012. Image via Romeo Durscher/NASA
To mark the solar eclipse that will sweep across Europe this morning, internet search giant Google has ‘sprung’ into action with a spring-inspired solar eclipse doodle on its homepage.
Beginning at Mizen Head in Co Kerry at 8.18am, the eclipse will gradually scale up the level of darkness over the proceeding hour as the moon gradually begins to take its place in front of the sun’s gaze with Dublin expecting peak eclipse at 9.28am.
However, major concerns over its visibility are now an issue as the sun, the moon and the wider universe don’t seem to be aware of Ireland’s regular bouts of clouds that are hanging over the country.
Regardless of whether you will be able to see the actual eclipse happening (with the correct viewing equipment, of course), everyone will be able to experience the darkening of our skies that will take hold at peak eclipse.
Google meanwhile has created a doodle that quite beautifully turns those familiar Google letters into blooming spring flowers with the animated eclipse at its centre.
For those looking for information on the eclipse, Siliconrepublic.com has put together a handy guide as to what you need to know before the eclipse gets underway as well as some key tips for how to photograph the solar event, if the clouds clear for the big moment.