Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Diamond Jubilee this year - 60 years on the throne, figuratively speaking
Queen Elizabeth II has embraced ‘digital’ throughout her 60-year reign and a new infographic in honour of her Diamond Jubilee reveals the extent of her popularity online.
The infographic designed by Tamar and published on Visual.ly mainly provides facts and figures about the Queen on social network Facebook, video-sharing site YouTube and microblogging site Twitter.
On Facebook, Queen Elizabeth II has 532,005 ‘Likes’, and 109,956 subscribers to TheRoyalChannel on YouTube. On Twitter, however, there are fewer followers of the official account for the Queen – @BritishMonarchy (321,047 followers) than another unofficial account for the Queen – @Queen_UK (681,607 followers), according to the infographic.
The infographic also provides a smattering of other digital facts pertaining to Her Majesty. Uganda, for instance, is the country searching for ‘Queen Elizabeth’ the most, while the internet houses 181,000,000 images of the Queen.
It was offline, though, that the public first heard the Queen, via technology. In 1940, a then-14-year-old Princess Elizabeth spoke on the BBC Children’s Hour radio programme with her sister, Margaret. Seventeen years later and now Queen, the monarch delivered her first televised Christmas message, which drew 1,327,710 viewers.
Now, the Queen also has a website, The British Monarchy, and a Flickr photo stream, britishmonarchy.
Although the Queen does not update the social media sites herself, their presence has opened the relationship between the public and the British monarchy, as reported by The Telegraph.
Diamond Jubilee celebrations will centre around the dates 2-5 June. Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne on 6 February 1952 and her coronation took place on 2 June 1953.