Colm O'Neill, CEO of BT Ireland, with Jack O'Brien, Paolo Parisi, Gary Carr and Alison Rigley. Photo via INPHO/Dan Sheridan
BT’s corporate responsibility programmes focus on taking away the fear of technology and encouraging people of all ages to get online. As part of this, the Internet Rangers Awards were established to recognise young people who are bridging both the generation gap and the digital divide by teaching older people basic IT and internet skills.
This year, for the first time, the Internet Rangers Awards will be doled out to schools and students under 16 in Ireland who have made a significant effort to instil confidence in older people and help them to engage with technology.
“We’re delighted to launch these awards in Ireland, and are eager to hear about the selfless efforts of schools and children who are helping people to get online in a range of different and innovative ways,” said Colm O’Neill, CEO of BT Ireland. “The awards have been running in the UK for 11 years and past entries have revealed some truly inspiring individuals, from children helping their disabled or seriously ill parents to make the most of the internet, to youngsters encouraging older generations to become ‘silver surfers’.”
Prizes on offer include iPads, laptops and IT vouchers for children and teachers, and cash prizes up to €4,000 for schools.
“To many of us it may be second nature, but for others the simple act of going online can offer life-enhancing benefits,” O’Neill added. “If you know of a young person in Ireland who is supporting others in this way, please do nominate them or tell them about the award.”
Applications and nominations for the Internet Rangers Awards can be made online. The closing date for entries is 2 November.