Virgin Media ponders entering UK Wi-Fi market

24 Nov 2010

Virgin Media has revealed it is considering rolling out a Wi-Fi network that can compete with British Telecom (BT) and the media company believes consumers must speak out against misleading broadband advertising.

The company has been closely watching cable operators in different countries and based on what it has seen, believes it might be time for it to rival BT’s coverage, according to reports on

Virgin Media has also called on consumers to demand an end to “misleading” broadband advertising in the UK – that boast speeds of “up to” 20 to 24MB.

Slow-lane service

“People are paying for superfast broadband but receiving a service stuck in the slow lane. Broadband providers need to stop advertising speeds that not a single customer can receive and we’re asking people to support our call for change by signing up to

“Faster broadband means better broadband, whether you’re surfing the web, watching TV online or downloading music, and UK consumers deserve superfast broadband they can trust, rather than having to rely on the fairy tales and broken promises of current broadband advertising,” said Jon James, executive director of broadband, Virgin Media.

Virgin Media said it was looking at a way to converge data services as 3G networks are reaching a “capacity crunch” and Wi-Fi could offload traffic through a superior output.