HP authentication service to fight counterfeit drugs

4 Aug 2011

A cloud-based track-and-trace solution will enable pharmaceutical companies to more accurately monitor the movement of products through their global supply chains and therefore help stop the theft and counterfeiting of drugs.

The HP Global Authentication Service has been designed to help protect consumers against dangerous or ineffective drugs and enable pharmaceutical companies to protect their revenue and intellectual property.

India will receive the service first, due to the growth in the country’s pharmaceutical industry, which also is seeing the development of a counterfeit drug market.

The service, which runs on scalable, cloud-based technology, also can be deployed in other industry sectors or geographical regions, and incorporated into an existing drug production system.

HP Labs, HP’s central research arm, and the HP Software Platform Services Cloud Services Innovation Center developed the service’s underlying technology engine to monitor goods in HP’s supply chain. It was later adapted for use for product recalls in the food industry.

“HP technology is not only providing commercial benefits to our clients, but also is helping to save lives,” said Prith Banerjee, senior vice-president, Research, and director, HP Labs.