Cork Film Festival will celebrate the crossover of film and digital tomorrow night, with talks hosted by EMERGE, the digital and transmedia strand of the East End Film Festival.
The organisers of EMERGE say the convergence of film and digital is enabling a new wave of innovators using new methods of production to push the boundaries of creativity.
The first session will include a series of inspirational talks, demonstrations and screenings by artists and producers experimenting with moving images and interactive technologies.
Speakers at EMERGE will include Kibwe Tavares (Factory Fifteen), Christian Fonnesbach (Cloud Chamber Project), Triona Campbell (BeActive Media), Patrick O’Neill (Wildcard Distribution), Olivier Kaempfer (producer, Borrowed Time), Jamie King (VODO), Adipat Virdi (transmediasphere.com), Matt Locke (Storythings) and Adipat Virdi.
“This is an exciting time for the film industry,” said Denis Collins, chairman of the board of the European Tech Cluster and board director at Cork Chamber of Commerce.
“The convergence of film and technology is driving many new models across creativity, production and distribution – truly something for us all, from child to adult.
“This, combined with the extensive IT industry cluster renaissance and network happening in Cork, will deliver a global pedigree festival in Cork, unseen in Ireland before,” Collins said.