Aaron Cowzer and Paige Byrne from Scoil Aonghusa Junior, in Balrothery, Tallaght, at the announcement that 420 primary schools have received an Award of Science and Maths Excellence as part of the Discover Primary Science & Maths programme
Ireland’s national science promotion programme Discover Science & Engineering (DSE) has given 420 primary schools awards in science and maths.
The awards have been given to the schools by DSE as part of its Discover Primary Science & Maths programme, which recognises the achievements of primary school children and teachers in the application of science and maths in the classroom.
The programme itself is now in its eighth year.
To qualify for the awards, schools had to keep a log of five steps relating to science and maths that they have undertaken throughout the academic year.
Schools were awarded credits for their efforts around the STEM subjects by visiting Discover Science Centres, for inviting speakers to the school to talk about science, engineering and maths, for hosting a science event and for incorporating maths into their science learning.
“Primary school students are the key to Ireland’s future uptake in science, technology, engineering and maths subjects. It is important that children interact with these subjects in a fun and engaging way from an early age,” said Dr Graham Love, the director of DSE.