Baltimore in product alliance with Oracle

3 Dec 2002

Irish e-security firm Baltimore Technologies has collaborated with Oracle Corporation in enabling the database giant to develop a Trusted Portal solution aimed at simplifying digital authentication, authorisation and signing.

Baltimore’s senior vice-president of its global solutions division, David Pineel, explained: “Baltimore and Oracle have pooled their experience and expertise to provide a solution that eliminates the complexity of implementing digital certificate security for portal and web applications.”

The new portal security technology allows portal owners to administer users’ credentials through an interface that closely mirrors ‘real-world’ business structures.

The solution provides organisations with secure access and authorisation management across a heterogeneous IT environment that enables them to extend their business domains securely and access markets. Moreover, it does this whilst adhering to electronic security standards and emerging legislation on digital signatures.

The Trusted Portal product, which was designed by Baltimore and Oracle pooling their resources, is based on the Oracle Internet Directory and other security-oriented features in the latest Oracle 9i application server and enables an ‘out-of-box’ implementation in companies.

John McLevy, Oracle’s vice-president of enterprise solutions for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), said that the Baltimore/Oracle product overcomes complexity challenges that have hindered the growth in use of digital certificates. “It overcomes these challenges to make online transactions, information and resources more secure,” he said.

“This enables them not only to benefit from improved employee productivity and greater efficiencies, but also, with improved security, organisations can focus on their portal’s revenue generating potential,” McLevy concluded.

By John Kennedy