Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
The team at Visual.ly has come up with a live infographic to keep us all up-to-date with the answer to the question on everyone’s minds today.
Now we’ve all watched the anti-climax that was the opening bell-ringing ceremony, broadcast live from Menlo Park, California (via Times Square, New York), the rest of the day will focus on the rise and/or fall of Facebook’s stock as it hits NASDAQ for the first time.
This auto-updating graphic from Visual.ly shows the current share price and, from that, Facebook’s latest valuation. It also shows Facebook’s minute-by-minute stock market value.
As Zuckerberg (currently) owns 28pc of Facebook, the graphic does the calculations for you to determine his worth – in Facebook shares that is.
At the time of publishing, one of the world’s youngest billionaires was resting on a hefty US$4,479,440,000. I wonder if he could spare some change for the bus?