Spam rate hits 86pc

29 Nov 2007

The percentage of emails coming into Irish inboxes that are spam now stands at 86pc, according to IT Force’s weekly spam report.

This represents a rise of 2pc, signalling the ongoing increase in spam globally is as pertinent to Ireland as elsewhere.

IT Force’s research analysed 253,280 emails received by IT Force and its clients over the past week. Approximately 217,310 (86pc) were spam.

The most common virus contained in the spam emails were: Worm.Zafi.B (496 of emails); Trojan.Dropper-3158 (93); Worm.SomeFool.Gen-2 (89); Trojan.Dropper-3172 (76); and Worm.Stration.YY (60).

By Niall Byrne