With the launch of iOS 10 later this year, Apple has arranged with Unicode to release 100 new emojis, including a novel way to replace the troublesome gun emoji.
In iOS 10, more than 100 new emojis will be included.
In a statement issued by Apple, the company revealed it was working with Unicode – which is responsible for rolling out emojis to the world – to create more gender-diverse emojis for iOS 10.
These diverse characters include new female athletes and professionals and, for flag enthusiasts, a rainbow flag used prominently by the LGBT community.
Particularly interesting is Apple’s decision to remove the gun emoji from iOS 10, having decided it would be better to use the harmless water pistol instead.
This is likely due to the existing tensions in the US regarding mass shootings and their prominence within the media, but would also reflect what Apple is calling ‘more family options’ with emojis.
More human emojis
Users of iOS 10 will also notice that the familiar emoji faces have been given a makeover to make them look more human.
The current faces with their yellow, cartoonish appearance will be replaced with faces that actually have features like noses, ears and hair.
Users will also be able to change the emoji’s skin colour, similar to previously-introduced iOS updates.
iOS 10 is currently in beta mode for developers to tinker around with ahead of its release after the launch of Apple’s latest phone, but based on the current Unicode 9 standard, a number of emojis will miss out on the initial iOS release.
These, according to 9to5Mac, include a bacon and Pinocchio emoji that may be released in future updates to iOS 10.
Emoji on whiteboard image via Shutterstock