Forty-four people out of 100 check Facebook before even brushing their teeth. That’s just one finding the Epic Facebook Survey has unearthed, as depicted on a new infographic.
The infographic published by College Candy on illustrates the answers to the Epic Facebook Survey questions that encompass privacy, politeness, Facebook ‘addiction’, status updates, and questionable photos.
“We wanted to find out just how far your obsession goes,” the introduction accompanying the infographic reads.
There’s little doubt Facebook is popular. The site enables its users to stay connected with friends and family who are also members of the network, as well as letting them share content, read articles, watch videos, look at photos, and express their thoughts.
In its recent fourth amendment to its S-1 for its upcoming IPO, the social network stated it now has 901m monthly active users.
Previously, Facebook said it had an average of 483m daily active users in December 2011 alone.
While the Epic Facebook Survey polled only 2,500 people, it reveals results that really may not come as a surprise. For example, almost half of Facebook users are scared by how dependant they are on Facebook.