Pic via Jason Clarke Photography
A new app that lets you order drinks without having to wait at a bar is being launched in Dublin tonight, in a bid to reduce the 104 hours a year that consumers queue.
Already live across 60 venues in the UK, tonight the finely named Orderella will launch at Lillie’s Bordello, where it will feature alongside 15 other Dublin venues, including The Porterhouse in Temple Bar, Copper Face Jacks, The George and Buck Whaleys.
According to research from the company, one-fifth of Irish people queue for over an hour waiting to be served on an average night out. The app will try and change that, and make things even easier for the face-in-phone brigade that are becoming more and more populous in nightspots.
“While we’re stuck at the bar we’re missing out on big moments too,” claims the company behind the cashless app. “37pc said they had missed midnight on New Year’s Eve because they’re queuing for a drink. 19pc have missed out on chatting someone up, 18pc of football fans have missed a goal, 16pc claim they miss out on gossip, and one in ten have missed the beginning of a movie or show.”
Quite how you managed to miss the start of a movie because of queues at a bar is entirely you prerogative, but this app could well catch on.
Dennis Collet, co-founder and CEO of Orderella, said: “That 92 per cent of those surveyed would pay to skip the queue is interesting to us because they don’t have to, our app is completely free. People go to the pub to socialise and catch up with friends and family, not stand in long queues with strangers. Orderella lets you completely beat the queue so you can enjoy your night out. It also means you don’t have to cram your bag or pockets with wallets or purses because our app makes your night completely cashless too.”