The Shenzhen Great Loong Brother Company of China has alleged the Apple iPad design that CEO Steve Jobs triumphantly unveiled last week is based on its own P88 tablet and is threatening Apple with an injunction.
Spanish newspaper El Mundo has reported that the Chinese company’s president, Xialong Wu, said that if Apple releases the iPad in March it will report the company and seek an injunction because of the effect the device will have on its sales.
Wu said the P88 is not based on the design of the smaller iPod touch and said the P88 has entirely different functions.
Apple has refused to comment on the allegations. But could such a legal action succeed?
Wu said he presented the P88 at the International Electronics Fair in Berlin six months ago.
The P88 uses a resistive touchscreen, not the multi-touch screen of the Apple iPad and uses a 250GB hard drive compared to the iPad’s flash memory.
Wu has admitted he would find it difficult to sue Apple in the United States but has threatened that if the iPad enters China he will go to town on Apple.
By John Kennedy
Photos: The P88 tablet (above) and Apple’s iPad (below)