Career guidance site gets tech industry thumbs up

16 Apr 2008

A new career guidance website has been launched.

The site, designed by Durrow Communications, sets out to provide a resource for second-level students, graduates and career guidance teachers, as well as those planning a change of career.

Features on the site include a Career Exploration toolbox, which will help guide users towards the most suitable career, employment sector and educational courses for them, as well as searchable databases of occupations, employment sectors and companies.

The site will also host video interviews with employees from each sector to give users a taste of what the different professions involve.

The site will also feature labour market information and educational information, including a CAO database.

The portal has received the thumbs up from ICT Ireland, which said it would be actively using the portal to highlight careers in the technology sector.

“ICT Ireland will play an important role in the careers portal by providing up-to-date labour market information on the high-tech sector, reflecting the exciting opportunities available to students in these careers,” said Kathryn Raleigh, director, ICT Ireland.

“It is difficult for guidance counsellors, students and their parents to keep abreast of the rapidly changing world of work and careers. ICT Ireland, therefore, welcomes this opportunity to support the career’s portal.”

ICT called for more government support and resources to be made available to career guidance counsellors.

“Ireland’s future relies on today’s generation of young people. In becoming a leading knowledge-based economy, we need to ensure that our young people make the right career choices, which will ultimately lead each of them to a happy and fulfilled life,” said Raleigh.

By Niall Byrne