A top-down investment in digital education, allied with total systemic reform, is urgently needed.
As I complimented the soon-to-be retiring general manager of Intel in Ireland, Jim O’Hara, on his appearance on ‘Morning Ireland’ last week where he talked about the need to get Ireland to the races on digital education, I joked that there aren’t many people left in Ireland who remember how to push a plough. He replied to the effect that unless we change our approach to education, that’s where we’re heading.
Surveying the room holding more than 100 people with an interest in education at the Science Gallery in Dublin last week, the pent-up desire to ensure Ireland’s children are given the same chances as other children around the world in terms of more evolved education was clear and obvious.
When recession hits, progressive nations invest heavily in education and R&D, but the reality at present in this country is that our spending on health is four times that of education.
Read more of ‘Future hinges on Ireland reforming education’ at Digital 21.
www.digital21.ie – Digital 21 is a campaign to highlight the imperative of creating an action programme to secure the digital infrastructure and services upon which the success of our economy depends.